When buy-in occurs at the top, great things happen.

Board and Senior-Leader Engagement

We understand how organisations work, and PPWD's Compassionate Safety approach helps deliver your Compliance needs alongside achieving Safety through your people. You can expect:

  • Compassionate challenges to your thinking and decision making.

  • Questions that cut through the management speak and speak to power.

  • A commitment to a workplace where zero harm comes to your team.

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Board & SLT

Compassionate Safety shifts safety cultures from ‘doing’ safety to ‘being’ safe. PPWD support Boards/SLTs to weave a safety tapestry of threads which catch humans kindly when they fall, and generates safety capacity to protect humans from workplace hazards and risks. 

Boards and SLTs are provided with a management tool for safety leaders to both control hazards, and more accurately quantify risks and care for colleagues. 


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Paul uses his experience and capabilities developed in practical roles such as Non-Executive Board Member for the British Bobsleigh and Skeleton Association, and co-founder of the Workplace Wellbeing Workgroup, which is seeking to update legislation of the 1974 HSW Act to focus as much on psychological safety as physical safety.

PPWD's approach is one which brings together the tension between being caring and kind for humans, and the necessity to quantify, monitor and predict unsafe conditions.